Job Alert! Post-Doctoral Position in Our Project

We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to join our team and to work with our project's Co-I Professor Sabina Mihelj at Loughborough University.

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Counter-Disinformation: Problems and Potentials

In this blog, Stephen Hutchings introduces some of the key ideas of his new open access article in the journal Cultural Studies.

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“Sportswashing” as Disinformation. Part II:  How to Address the Audience Dimension to Sportswashing

The second part of a two-part blog post examining “sportswashing” as a form of disinformation, and reflecting on the role of audiences and the reception of “sportswashing” narratives.

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“Sportswashing” as Disinformation. Part I: The Power of “Spin” through Popular Sports Events

The first part of Vitaly Kazakov's two-part blog post examining “sportswashing” as a form of disinformation, and reflecting on the role of audiences and the reception of “sportswashing” narratives.

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Maksim Markelov Wins a Prize in the Poster Competition

Maksim Markelov wins the third prize with the poster 'How do State Trolls Manipulate Online Discourse?'

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Video Interview with Stephen Hutchings and Vera Tolz

Stephen Hutchings and Vera Tolz discuss our project in this video interview with Digital Futures network at the University of Manchester.

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Transnational Right-Wing Populism Online: Lessons from the Pro-Brexit Facebook Milieu

In her blog, Natalie-Anne Hall discusses the engagement of the pro-Brexit Facebook users with transnational right-wing populist discourses. The essay is based on Dr. Hall's recently published book 'Brexit, Facebook, and Transnational Right-Wing Populism' (Lexington Books, 2023).

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(Mis)Translating Deceit: A New Perspective on Disinformation

This blog gives a handy overview of our project. It is published on 'The Russia Program' website at George Washington University and is available at:

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